Monday 11 January 2010

Back on the old grind

So, Today I finally got back to college, after almost an entire week stuck in the middle of now where with the snow (I live in the middle of no where, I didn;t wander out into the wilderness.)

So apart from the occasional walk in the white the snow has been good for one thing by my books, and that is in fact, my book.
I started writitng it a while ago, and while im not exciting enough to have memoirs, I am creative enough to have a novel, based on pac man.

So being back at college is a good fun time, and it's excellent seeing everyone again but for 1 reason and one reason alone i want to be at home, and that is Chuck.

Chuck season 3 returned last night for a 2 hour special, which has got me thouroughly excited.

Now apart from my internal struggles between good and evil I seem to be working rather well (not in college of course)
now off to look at some mobile typing equipement.

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