Sunday 14 February 2010

SURPRISE! Original Topic


He can feck right off right?

I know this topic will be saturating cyberspace today. But to be honest, I'm not fussed, I'm just a guy who likes to write. And what better to write about than a "Hot Topic".

So I didn't really mean what I said about Valentines, I don't mind him really, he was a nice guy, never hurt me in anyway. Basically I've got no beef with the fella.
Actually... Reading up about it... I Dont WANT beef with the fella:

"Valentinus tried to convert the Emperor -- whereupon this priest was condemned to death. He was beaten with clubs and stoned; when that didn't finish him, he was beheaded outside the Flaminian Gate."

This guy was a bad ass!
From now on Valentine's day is the celebration of a guy who got beaten to shit, then survived, then had his head chopped off. I bet he was still going after that! Imagine:
"Hey Emperor, I'd like to talk to you about jesus"
"Kill him!"
*beaten with sticks*
"But he turned water into alcohol! You were a student Sire! Imagine how useful that would have been!"
"Kill him again!"
*Axe to the head*
"Just take this leaflet!"

But anyway, So, for the 17th year of my life (of which I have 17) I am single again for Valentines day, I'm pretty sure I have a natural disposition to this being single on the 14th.

To be honest, it's not bothered me, maybe because I've just got out of a relationship that I'm taking it easy, as just another day - I mean a celebration of a badass.

Oh that's right, I'm single.

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